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Sea Cave Walks 

Drive: Look up Sea Cave on Google Maps. This is a 10 minute drive outside of town centre. Part of the road is dirt, some pot holes but not heaps, don't need a 4WD.

Drive until you see Orange sign for Secret Beach. Go down the stairs right by the sign.


Walk: Walk for about 10 minutes until you get to the beach. When you get to the beach go left, there you will see a big rock and as you get closer you will see the tiny hole to get into the cave. You have to crawl/completely lay down on the sand to get in. Watch your head when you get in don't stand up right away you will hit the ceiling. Watch out for the water coming into the cave!

Walk around the cave (away from where you came from) and you'll see some really cool  designs on the rocks!

Have you done this walk? Would love to know!

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