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Golf Links Road to Lake Bunga

Drive: All normal roads to get here. You can start at either end of Golf Links Road or at the Lake Bunga car park.


Walk: If you are walking from Golf Links Road you will walk and make the first right (if you continue straight you will end at Tea Tree Lane and Gold Ring Road). The first bit of the walk is on cement and then will turn to sand. When you get to the Y if you go left you will get to the Lake Bunga car park (at end of trail go to the right you will see toilets and follow road to get to beach) or if you go right at the Y you will end up on the beach (you will get to another Y and both go to the beach).3.3KM doing the loop.

Enjoy this beautiful walk in East Gippsland.


Have you done this walk? Would love to know!

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